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About Us

THWR. Saving one life at a time.


Tender Heart Wildlife Rehabilitation was started in 2004 when a friend brought me an injured squirrel and said, "Here. You're a nurse. Can you help him?"


Yes. I was a nurse. A people nurse. As an LPN I had worked for 15 years in emergency rooms, on the floor in hospitals and in home health and hospice. I specialized in wound care, and now before me was a squirrel with a large open wound, and my friend asking me to help him. Under the guidance of a veterinarian I helped the squirrel get well and a few weeks later we were able to release him. Watching him run back up a tree and through the branches, happy to be alive and free, made me realize that I had just found my calling. Thus, I quit nursing people, went through training, and started nursing injured and orphaned wildlife.


I began by contacting a wildlife rehabilitator who took me on as an apprentice, teaching me how to care for the animals. In 2005 I had my own Arkansas State Permit (#75) and could legally care for wild animals in my home.

​THWR is owned and operated by me, myself and I. Over the years my husband and children would assist in feeding or rescuing when I was unable but now my oldest is married and gone and the youngest heading to college. I thank God for providing a few friends who are able to step up in an emergency to help transport, rescue, feed, fund raise or pick up donations.


Wildlife Rehabilitation is a very expensive "hobby", that requires long hours, lack of sleep for several months at a time, and no pay. It is something we do because we feel God has given us a special ability to handle these animals, and a special love for them, and it is our gift to God to care for the animals that get hurt. Without us, many, if not most, would not survive.

We are also one of the few rehab centers that will keep animals that cannot be released instead of euthanizing them to save money for more healthy, releasable animals. Because of this, our need for donations is very great as we must build a habitat for the animal and provide it food and medical care for the duration of its life. You can see some of these animals on our sponsor us page.


On average, we take in 400-500 animal babies each year. Baby rabbits can cost about $5.00 to raise, squirrels around $30.00, groundhogs and coons $60.00 and a fawn starts at $400.00! Keep in mind this is for a healthy animal. Many fawns come in after being hit by hay mowers or cars and have legs amputated or surgery to fix broken bones. These animals can run a bill of up to $800.00-$900.00, so you can get a picture of how much we can spend in a year! In 2010 we became a 501c3 registered charity so all donations can recieve a tax write-off!


I hope you enjoy this website and encourage you to share this with others!

Andrea White with a grey squirrel and a fox squirrel.              


Photo taken by Rebecca White  2004

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